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Shinto Momument

About Me

The more you live immersed in nature, the more you realize that there is nothing more beautiful and more exciting than facing your daily life in a simple and natural way. From the grass in the fields to the stars in the sky, nothing around tries to transgress its limits. The profound peace and immense beauty of nature lies exactly in this. The Japanese would translate it as mono no aware, a term that describes the ephemeral beauty of things that vanish, but which also indicates admiration for what passes and shows the signs of time, of its spontaneous flow in the irreversible course of natural processes. I therefore decided, after years of living in the city, to move here, along the banks of the Brenta, in this little ukiyo of mine, a floating world made of sandy banks and rows of poplars, surrounded by morning mists and fields to cultivate, in which living moment by moment, in full contact with nature and my shibas. In 2014, Natsu was born, my first shiba and first dog, who made me a proud and happy owner like never before. Other shibas soon followed her and the first litters arrived. The choice to breed involved undoubted sacrifices and sacrifices, but it brought me closer to the magic of nature, to that very complicated mechanism of life that enchants me with its perfection at every birth: everything has a sense, a logic and a precise time for happen. I chose the shiba for its aesthetics, for those magnetic eyes and its compact structure, for its autonomous but still faithful character. But whoever chooses a shiba doesn't just choose a dog. The shiba is the fruit of a distant and fascinating culture like the Japanese one, it summarizes centuries of history and traditions, it is a living fragment of that world so different from ours which has always fascinated me since I was a boy and which has also influenced my course of study. Today my life is hair everywhere and free time dedicated to them, it's losing myself in their eyes and finally feeling light after a long day, it's sleepless nights waiting for a birth and watching over the new born. It's trying to constantly improve my subjects, it's constantly dressing in tracksuits and sneakers since I haven't followed fashion for a long time now, it's forgetting about holidays because there's always something to do with them. It's a very different life compared to that of a few years ago, certainly with more commitments and responsibilities, but finally full of satisfaction and wagging tails waiting for me at home. ​ The Ukiyo Kensha kennel has been officially recognized by ENCI / FCI since 2020 and has also been recognized as a Nippo kennel since 2023.

Riccardo Griggio Shiba

Interview with Story Time / Canale Italia

Interview given in July 2023 to Story Time, to talk about shiba and make the breed known a little more. A beautiful experience that enriches my journey.

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